Saturday, December 28, 2013

Letter to Cash 12/28/2013

Dear Cash,

Your picture is the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I kiss at night. I think about you all the time. Take care of Mama and Daddy..see you soon.



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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Letter to Cash 12/24/13

Hey Cash,

You were 2 mos. old yesterday. I am your grandma, Penny(your Daddy's Mama). We haven't met yet. But I have loved you sine before you were born. There are so many people who love you. You are our precious angel. Merry Christmas! I will see you very soon. There is only one place I want to be: HOLDING YOU MY SWEET ANGEL! Take care of Mommy&Daddy til I get there. I love you all, Nana

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