Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bernie, Hillary and Donald

When Hillary Clinton starts that mantra,' a vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump', I just have to laugh. Hillary is threatened by Bernie's popularity nationwide.

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate whom is talking about the issues that I and millions of others care about: HEALTH CARE, EQUAL RIGHTS, CIVIL RIGHTS, MINIMUM WAGE, WAGE EQUALITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE. All Hillary and Donald have are ATTACK ADS and FEAR. All in hopes of throwing Bernie off message and on the defensive.

Finally Donald Trump has run his 'Empire' on the backs of the very immigrants that he wants to put behind a wall. He has run his business into bankruptcy at least four times. So why would anyone what to trust him with OUR COUNTRY'S MONEY & SECURITY? If you're voting for because you think he will share his secrets to wealth? I have two words, TRUMP UNIVERSITY, a $35,000 PP scam. 

Hillary's platform consist of telling crowds what they want hear(and even that changes with the weather). I will not vote for her just because she is a woman.  Our Country has always been ready for a woman President(just NOT H.C.) Never mind the emails. She won't release her Wall Street speeches because she wants to keep the money flowing. No matter the crisis, if she has done nothing wrong-open the book.


Cynthia Lovette